Lindalva Inclusive School – Solar Power Installation

Project Description

The goal of this project is the installation of solar power in the Lindalva School. The children served in this school live with disabilities ranging from mild to severe. These include children with hearing impairment, autism, intellectual impairment, physical impairment, behavioral deficits, children with multiple conditions and children from broken and poor homes. The project will reach 250 pupils/direct beneficiaries and 530 indirect beneficiaries.
Lindalva School cannot afford to provide electricity using only generators. The rising cost of fuel and maintenance has made generators more expensive to run especially with the limited funds available in the school. Most parents are not able to pay fees for their children and this further makes running of generators several hours on daily basis not sustainable. The children feel very unsafe at night without electricity and those who communicate with sign language are not able to do so in the dark. Adding solar power will enhance both security and functional capabilities at the school.


Project Goal





[paypal-donation purpose=”Lindalva Inclusive School – Solar Power Installation” reference=””]

Funds Raised



Area of Interest
