BSMW Center, Sniatyn – Operations

Description du Projet

This project provides direct assistance to children with various disabilities to enable them, to the extent possible, to function in society. Due to minimal support from the state, transport difficulties, and financial shortages, there is no available assistance in this city and region. This project will provide for 30 disabled children from the town of Śniatynia and the surrounding area, and work for 4 specialists. The ongoing war, low wages, and high prices make it difficult to find people to provide this care.
With funding, this project will provide:
• Treatment and purchase of medicines, diapers and orthopedic shoes.
• Purchase of hygiene products and rehabilitation equipment or its repair.
• Food purchase to provide adequate nutrition
• Help in maintaining the Center – gas, electricity. various types of repairs, etc.
• Purchase of articles. stationery, educational and teaching aids.
• Fuel subsidy and help in maintaining a car – it is a bus used for everyday transport of children, commuting to the communities under their care.
• Educational and recreational trips and formation needs.



Fonds collectés



Domaine d'intérêt
